Welcome to my new site
Hi! Welcome to my new website. I am a social dance historian, English Country Dance caller and Contra Dance caller living with my wife Rhonda, in Manchester, UK. You can find out more about me on my Biography page.
Hopefully you will find my website both interesting and useful. It contains instructions for the 120+ dances I have written together with my interpretations of dances originally published in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. If you are interested in booking me you will find information about when I am available, where you can go to see me call, and lists of dances that I have called. As a caller I have an extensive repertoire and can call for a wide range of audiences in a wide range of styles. These include English Country Dances (beginner to expert), Contra Dances (beginner to expert), Vintage Dances (seventeenth and early eighteenth century country dances, Jane Austen period dances, Civil War period dances), Family and Community Dances, and dance parties for those who know nothing but want to have a fun time.
My original site, michaelbarraclough.com, has now been split into two sites. This site, michaelbarraclough.uk contains everything from the original site that is to do with me. The other site, dancingmaggot.com, contains all the dances (mine and other peoples) as well as all the other dance related stuff that was on michaelbarraclough.com.
I hope that you enjoy these new sites, both powered by the Joomla 4, an open source content management system. Using Joomla makes it much easier to add new material to the site and I hope that you will visit the site frequently to see what is new. My monthly newsletter gives details of where you can see me calling together with news about new features on my website. You can sign-up at the bottom of your screen. You can also contact me via the contact form if you have any queries or comments.
Michael Barraclough