Boulanger, Le


Adapted by:
Michael Barraclough (2015)
Original author:
Adapted source:
Michael Barraclough web-site
Original source:
Potpourri Francois des Contre-Danse Ancienne (Mr. Landrin, c1760, Paris)
Eleven Cotillions, Two Country Dances, and Two Minuets ... Book XIII, for the Year 1780 (Francis Werner, 1780, London)
Campbell's Fourth Collection of the Newest and Most Favorite Country Dances and Cotillions (William Campbell, c1789, London)
American Dancing Master, and Ball-Room Prompter (Elias Howe, 1862, Boston)
American Dancing Master, and Ball-Room Prompter (Elias Howe, 1866, Boston)
The Pianist's Matinee (Elias Howe, 1866, Boston)
Circle 3-Couple Set (Double, Men facing in, Mixer)
Specific tune - Le Boulanger
D       2/4

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