Calling with Full Circle, Sharpes Assembly, Florida 2010

Sharpes Assembly is an annual dance weekend in Florida with a guest dance teacher/caller. In 2010 it was me!

Band: Full Circle (Veronica Lane: flute, whistles, and EWI, an electronic wind instrument, essentially a large recorder / synthesizer combination; Ted Lane: guitar)

Dance 1 (starts 00:00): Seven Bore (longways proper) by Fried de Metz Herman, 1997

A1 - 1st man set right to 2nd lady [1], left to partner [2] and turn single right [3-4]; 1s and 2nd lady circle left (end spiralling to place) [5-8]
A2 - 1st lady set right to partner [1], left to 2nd man [2] and turn single right [3-4]; 1s and 2nd man circle left (end spiralling to place) [5-8]
B1 1-6, 1st couple - meet and face down [1], lead down [2-3], turn in to face [1], lead up [5-6]
B1 1-6, 2nd couple - cast up [1], meet [2], follow 1st couple [3-4], back up [5-6]
B1 7-8 - neighbour (same gender) mirror gypsy ¾ (2s dpwn, between 1s, end in line, 1s facing out, 2s facing in)
B2 - Hey (neighbour pass right to start) [1-6], 1s left-hand turn ½ (moving down) [7-8]

Dance 2 (starts 04:41): Mr Playford's Roundabout (circle mixer) by Charles Bolton, 2002

A1 - Forward & back (raising arms as you go forward), partner set & turn single
A2 - Partner back-to-back, neighbour left-hand turn
B1 - hey (partner gypsy right, neighbour gypsy left) [1-6], pass partner (right) [7-8]
B2 - (New partner) swirly siding, two-hand turn (end facing centre)

Dance 3 (starts 05:30): The Ragg (longways duple proper) Neal c1726, interpreted by Rich Jackson & George Fogg, 1990

A1 - 1s cross & cast down (2s moving up), 1s two-hand turn 1½
A2 - 2s cross & cast down (1s moving up), 2s two-hand turn 1½
B1 - star right, star left
B2 - partners set twice (RLRL), circular hey (3 changes, start partner right)