Calling with the Conference Band at South West Region Organizers Conference in Albuquerque, 19 Sep 2014

Band: The Conference Band (Rhonda Hotop: violin/viola; Teri Rasmusson: keyboard; Sherylin Urben: cello; Miranda Arana: flute)
Dance: Cottonwood (longways duple minor, proper) by Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett
A1 -1st corners left-hand turn, neighbor (left shoulder) back-to-back
A2 - 2nd corners left-hand turn, partner (left shoulder) back-to-back
B1 - (holding two hands) 2s slip up, set down and up, slip down, set up and down
B2 - (holding two hands) 1s slip down, set up and down, slip up, cast down (2s moving up)